Super Glue Marriage
Love Worth Finding | Audio Program - A podcast by Adrian Rogers

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Genesis 2:21-25We live in a tragic and dangerous day of disposable marriages; the enemy strives to break up homes to create a vicious cycle of broken people. But marriage is the highest of all earthly relationships. The purpose of marriage is for a man and a woman to come together as one flesh, sharing in the closest bond and communion possible, permanently. Genesis 2 offers instructions to maintain a super-glued marriage—one that stands the test of time.“And Adam said: ‘This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.’ Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” (Genesis 2:23-24).First, we see that marriage is a commitment meant to last a lifetime.All married couples essentially have the same problems; the difference is in their commitment.Adrian Rogers says, “It is your commitment that sustains your love and marriage, not vice versa.”Second, there must be loving communication.There are five basic levels of communication husbands and wives must learn in order to face difficulties together:Shallow: small talkFactual: factsIntellectual: ideas and opinionsEmotional: dreams, goals, and feelingsAbsolute openness: completely open, unashamed, uninhibited communication.Couples ought to strive to reach that deepest vulnerability of communication, as Genesis 2:25 relays, “And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.”Third, there must be loyal confrontation.When problems arise, we must be ready to confront one another in love.Some of the major conflicts couples face in marriage are selfishness, money, sex, nagging, in-laws, and substance abuse. In order to tackle these conflicts, couples must isolate the problem and learn to attack the problem, not each other. We must deal with problems one at a time as they come up and learn to negotiate with each other—both of us can win if we come to a gentle compromise.Finally, we must pray constantly.In our honesty and humility with God, we find prayerful solutions to tense conflicts.Apply it to your lifeIs your marriage a super-glued, lasting commitment? Is it full of loving communication and loyal confrontation? Pray over your marriage today, that God would give you a passion and fervor to maintain your marriage.