The Apostasy and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ
Love Worth Finding | Audio Program - A podcast by Adrian Rogers

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Jude 1:14-15The Second Coming of Jesus Christ is the greatest prophetic event of all the ages, and the signs of the times warn us that it is coming soon.One of the signs of the Last Days is apostasy—when people who have received truth go on to reject and ridicule it.Jude 14-15 warns apostates of their judgment to come from Jesus Christ Himself.First, we see the surety of His coming: “Now Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about these men also, saying, ‘Behold, the Lord comes…’” (Jude 14).Merely seven generations from Adam, Enoch was the first to prophesy the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. God gave Enoch a vision of the Second Coming, before Jesus had ever walked the Earth the first time. In days of apostasy, Enoch was a holy man who walked so closely with God, the Lord brought Him up, so he never actually died.Enoch’s “rapture” is a prophetic picture of the Church in the Last Days, when the Lord raptures His people and meets them in the air.Second, we see the severity of His coming: “ execute judgment on all, to convict all who are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds...” (Jude 15).Adrian Rogers says, “The first time Jesus came to redeem; the second time He is coming to judge.” God’s heart yearns that we would not be judged. We see this in God’s promise to Enoch to withhold His judgment upon the Earth until after Enoch’s son, Methuselah’s death.Methuselah represents the mercy of God. Though men deserved to be punished for their wickedness, God held back His judgment until after Methuselah died. Then, God flooded the Earth, still sparing Enoch’s lineage through Noah.One of these days, mercy will give way to judgment. God has not forgotten His promise; Jesus is coming back to execute judgment.Third, we see the sanctity of His coming. Jude 14 says the Lord will return with “ten thousands of His saints.” This means we are coming back with Him. God’s kingdom will come; as waters cover the sea, the Earth will be filled with His glory.Apply it to your lifeAre you following Jesus now, while His mercy still holds back the judgment to come? Share your testimony with people today and pray they will come to know the Lord as Savior, lest they meet Him as Judge.