The Bible and Bodily Healing
Love Worth Finding | Audio Program - A podcast by Adrian Rogers

The Bible and Bodily Healing (0524)Jesus Christ is the answer to every need that a man has: needs for the spirit, the soul and the body. If it is God’s will to heal you, let it be done!Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: James 5:10-15Christians sometimes face illnesses of varying degrees, but there is hope! Jesus Christ is the answer to every need that a man has: needs for the spirit, the soul and the body.The matter of healing can be complicated. Regardless, we can be certain that in Jesus we have the victory. Though we suffer afflictions, Christians are a victorious people.What does the Bible say about bodily healing?First, we must know the cause —not necessarily the diagnosis— of our sickness.One cause is sin. We, as humans, sometimes pick up some bad habits that intend to bring us harm. These aren’t just external habits, like drinking or smoking. These can be conscious sins, like worry or doubt. Worry to the soul is like sand to machinery: it will destroy you from the inside out.Satan can cause sickness, for he comes to steal, kill and destroy.And sometimes, God has a loving purpose for sickness. It could be for us to know His power over our lives, to keep us productive in our faith. It could be to purify or perfect us, or perhaps it is designed to bring praise back to Him. Perhaps you can reach a new level of faith through your sickness, one you would never reach in your health.There is a procedure believers can follow to seek out bodily healing. The Bible instructs those who are sick to call upon the elders of the church and let themselves be anointed with oil.In the Bible, oil symbolizes something beautiful: the Holy Spirit. The anointing of oil symbolizes the sanctifying or the setting apart of that person to serve God.Then, we pray. Adrian Rogers says, “The prayer that gets to heaven is the prayer that starts in heaven.”If it is God’s will to heal someone, God will give us the faith; and it is the prayer of faith that saves the sick. Do you believe it?Apply it to your lifeAre you or a loved one facing an illness and need God’s supernatural healing? First, recognize the potential cause of the sickness: is it rooted in sin, or could it be for God’s loving purpose? Then, seek out Biblical healing. Call upon the elders of your church, let them anoint your head with oil, and gather a prayer team. If it is God’s will to heal you, let it be done!