The Final Judgment of the Unsaved Dead
Love Worth Finding | Audio Program - A podcast by Adrian Rogers

The Final Judgment of the Unsaved Dead (2367)The Book of Revelation prophecies that at the end of the Great Tribulation, Jesus comes with His saints in power and great glory to rule and reign here on earth for a thousand blessed years.Revelation 20 reveals the final judgment of the unsaved dead, where God settles the score and judges the sins of those who are not in Christ Jesus.Whether you believe in Him or not, you are going to meet Jesus Christ. He is unavoidable; He cannot be deceived, disputed or discredited. There is no escaping Him. Adrian Rogers says, “If you don’t meet Him as Savior, you will meet Him as Judge. He is the one who will be sitting upon this great white throne.”Notice those who are called to the judgment:The out and out sinner who mocks GodThe self-righteous who thinks he is too good for judgmentThe procrastinator who intended to be saved but never confirmed his salvationThe unsaved church member who has religion, but not the LordThe one who has never heard the Gospel of Jesus ChristNot one sin has escaped God’s knowledge; every sin will be accounted for—secrets that have been repressed will be revealed. The evidence, the defense and then the verdict of the court will be handed down. And what waits at the end of a Christ-less life is eternity in hell.But there is good news.Romans 8:1 says, “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus.” Adrian Rogers says, “I’m not going to stand before the great white throne and I’ll tell you why. I settled out of court. Jesus became my Savior when He died on that cross in agony and blood and with His blood He paid my sin debt.”Through the blood of Jesus, your sin can be buried in the grave of God’s forgetfulness, never to be brought up against you again.Apply it to your lifeHave you settled out of court? Choose to follow Him today, lest you stand before the throne of God in judgment.