The Meanest Member in Our Church
Love Worth Finding | Audio Program - A podcast by Adrian Rogers

The Meanest Member in Our Church (0517)####Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: James 3:1-12As brothers and sisters in Christ, the things we say to one another can either build us up or destroy us to rubble. With your words, you can proclaim the love of Jesus, or you can be the meanest member of your church.All throughout Scripture, we are reminded of the power of the tongue —power we can’t even begin to understand. Therefore, every single word we say should be handled with care.In James 3:1-12, the tongue is compared to the bit in a horse’s mouth, meaning a single word could potentially control the destiny of a man.It is also compared to the rudder of a ship, which can either bring it into a safe harbor, or over the rocks of disaster.And it is finally compared to a spark in dry grass. It only takes a spark to get a fire going. There's a chain reaction involved. Fire can warm or fire can burn. Words can bless or words can burn. Words can warm a heart or words can inflame hatred. And a few words wrongly used can start a wildfire.We will give an account for every reckless word we’ve said one day when we stand before Almighty God. That should frighten us!Yet, we praise God with the same tongue we use to curse others. Freshwater and saltwater cannot flow through the same spring. It says in James 3 that what is impossible in the physical world ought not to be in the spiritual world.What can we do about our fiery, uncontrollable tongues? You can’t make your tongue behave. But when you give your heart to Jesus, your tongue can be tamed by the blessed, wonderful, spirit of God.Adrian Rogers tells us, “What’s in the root of the tree is going to show in the fruit of the tree. What’s in the well will show in the water.”If you love God, then let it be shown in your speech toward others.####Apply it to your lifeDo you understand the power of the tongue? Do you watch your words and consider every single one of them before you say them? Consider them a little more today. Think before you speak.