The Power In the Blood
Love Worth Finding | Audio Program - A podcast by Adrian Rogers

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: John 6:53As the classic hymns so eloquently remind us, only the blood of Jesus can wash away our sin. Only the blood of Jesus can make us whole again.But this is only the beginning of the power in the blood. The sacred, shed blood continues its mighty work in our lives even after our sins are washed away and we are whole again.In John 6:53-54, Jesus said, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.”Using spiritual language, Jesus tells us that our spirits must feed on Him in order to live. Adrian Rogers said, “Jesus is to your spirit what blood is to your body.”First, we must appropriate the constant provision of the blood.Everything we need to live the Christian life is in Jesus. Just as the bloodstream is the source of our physical life, Jesus is the source of our spiritual life. By His power in us, we have been given all things that pertain to life. We must learn how to possess the power that is already in our possession.Second, we must rely on the cleansing properties of the blood.The blood of Jesus not only supplies every need, but it also continually cleanses us. We are purified day by day, so long as we let His blood flow through us.Finally, we must claim the conquering power of the blood.Throughout history, disease has been a greater threat to mankind than any war or wild beast. Yet, one who was immunized was said to have had “wise blood.”In the same way, anything Jesus has overcome, we can overcome, by His powerful wise blood, flowing through our veins.Apply it to your lifeDo you feel weak in your spirit—like there’s a disconnect between the power that was promised and the power you feel in your life? There is a remedy: the blood of Jesus mends the gap. It transforms the source of strength into strength of your own.Jesus said in John 6:57, “As the living Father sent Me, and I live because of the Father, so he who feeds on Me will live because of Me.”