The Power of Effectual Prayer
Love Worth Finding | Audio Program - A podcast by Adrian Rogers

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Romans 11:36Romans 11:36 says, “For of Him, and through Him, and to Him, are all things, to whom be the glory forever.”God is the producer, preserver, and purpose of creation. Everything starts with God, operates through God, and returns back to God.This divine triangle is exemplified in our salvation. God first loved us and brought us to Himself through Jesus Christ. We live the Christian life through the power He gives, and one day we are going back to Him.This divine triangle is exemplified through sanctification. We receive the Holy Spirit from God and are continually sanctified to become more like God.It’s also exemplified through stewardship. We receive blessings from God to bless others, for the purpose of bringing glory to God. Romans 11:36 reveals three transformational truths about the power of effectual prayer.First, the origin of all effectual prayer roots in the purposes of God. God gives us the privilege of working together with Him through prayer. Prayer is also the way God disciples us; it is how He works on us. Adrian Rogers says, “Prayer is not bending God’s will to our will. Prayer is finding the will of God and getting in on it.”Second, the operation of prayer relies on the power of God. Our old nature does not want to pray. It is God who gives us the desire and power to pray. God also gives us the direction for praying. Prayer gives us insight on what to ask for and how to use what we’ve been given.Finally, the objective of prayer results in the praise of God. Adrian Rogers says, “Thanksgiving enjoys the gift, but praise enjoys the Giver.” Praise and thanksgiving complete the triangle of prayer. Prayer goes into God’s presence to carry something away, but praise goes into God’s presence to remain there forever.Apply it to your lifeEach time you prepare to pray in the name of Jesus, consider these questions:-Has God put this request in my heart, through the written Word or through His Spirit?-Am I now praying in the energy of the Spirit rather than the energy of the flesh? -Is the desire of my heart that God would be glorified?