The Strange Case of the Snooty Usher
Love Worth Finding | Audio Program - A podcast by Adrian Rogers

The Strange Case of the Snooty Usher (0514)####Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: James 2:1-10There is nothing that can hurt the kingdom of Christ more than snobbery in church.When we judge people based on the way they dress or look, we bring severe harm to the Body of Christ. James 2:1-10 warns Believers to not be guilty of showing partiality and favoritism in the church. Whether you're in the business of flattering and fawning over the rich and cultured, or criticizing and gossiping about the poor and down-and-out, you are wrong.The message is clear: We cannot treat people better or worse due to their economic class.2 Samuel 16:7 says, “For man looketh on the outward appearance but God looks on the heart.”In fact, we must remember, Christianity took off, by and large, by what society considered to be uneducated and ignorant people. Jesus was the kind of teacher that the “common people” gravitated towards; He identified much more with them than the aristocrats and religious leaders of the day. He calls the poor chosen by God, rich in faith and heirs to the kingdom.But just as the Book of James tells us not to put down a poor man, neither should we put down the rich man. What this passage is saying is: “Don't you elevate one person above another. Don't put down the poor, and don't put down the rich.”Everyone has something to bring to the table in church. The rich man and the poor man must learn to serve alongside each other, and ultimately, serve one another.Adrian Rogers says, “We may be different as to calling and different as to appointment and different as to job, but in the sight of God, everybody is somebody when Jesus Christ is Lord.”So what is the command for both the rich and the poor? “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” (Matthew 22:39)When we have nothing but contagious love in our hearts for each other, we will not be partial amongst ourselves. You can’t run out of that kind of love; it only multiplies. That is how the church grows.####Apply it to your lifeDo you find yourself judging your brothers and sisters in Christ based on the way they look or how much money they have? Repent of this; ask for forgiveness, and love your neighbor as yourself.