To Be Like Jesus
Love Worth Finding | Audio Program - A podcast by Adrian Rogers

To Be Like Jesus (2139)Everything is created for God’s glory. Therefore, we were created for God’s glory. If glory is too abstract of a word to comprehend, think instead of the nature of Jesus. God’s purpose for you is to be like Jesus.When we become like Jesus, life-change occurs. But some of us go about change in ways in which we ultimately fall short. We set ourselves up for failure, and it leaves us feeling discouraged.One way we do this is by process of elimination. We think if we remove things from our lives, we will become like Jesus. However, in our humanity, the list of things we must eliminate is far too long. If we focus on elimination, we won’t be like Jesus at all; we’ll be like bitter Pharisees.Then we think we’ll be like Jesus through imitation. We act like Jesus, but we don’t have His character. So, we become cheap, phony imitations of Him.Then, in frustration, we try to be like Jesus through determination. We grit our teeth and say, ‘I’m going to be more like the Lord Jesus with willpower and sincerity.” Yet, despite our best efforts, we will still fall short every time.So, what else is there to do?Consider this: Rather than going about life change through elimination, imitation, or determination, think of yourself as a mirror. A mirror does not create the image; it simply reflects what it is exposed to.We are changed by being exposed to Jesus. We must make sure sin and unrepentance does not distort or dull the image we bear. We cannot let things of this world get in the way. We must read Scripture and continue to expose ourselves to the character of Jesus, ever-focused and ever-engaged.Adrian Rogers explains, “What is the inner nature of a Christian? Jesus. And by beholding Jesus, you’re changed. That which is on the inside comes to the surface. You are changed.”As reflections of Jesus, we have a responsibility to retain the image in which we are exposed to.When we stay focused on Him, that’s when the change takes place.Apply it to your lifeAre you reflecting the image of Jesus? Expose yourself to Jesus, today. Dig into Scripture, and pray that the Lord will open your eyes to see Him in every page.