Trophies of Grace
Love Worth Finding | Audio Program - A podcast by Adrian Rogers

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: TitusGrace is God’s unmerited favor; it is the kindness of God shown to one who doesn’t deserve it and who can never earn it.In his letter to Titus, the Apostle Paul claims him as his own son in the faith. He calls Titus a trophy of grace—his life being the evidence of a true believer.This special title, a trophy of grace, reminds us that not only should we be witnesses of God’s grace, but our lives should also be evidence of that grace.First, we must recognize the delight of grace, which is liberty.God’s grace is sovereign; He has chosen us, sought us out, and brought us back to Himself. He is the one who took the initiative; our salvation began with Him.It is a saving grace. The Gospel is good news because it says that salvation is a free gift. We couldn’t work for it, so we can’t lose it.Grace is also long-suffering; it was the plan all along. Titus 1:2 says, “…in hope of eternal life which God, who cannot lie, promised before time began…”Adrian Rogers says, “God planned your salvation before this planet was swung into space. Your salvation is not an ambulance brought to a wreck; it was in the heart and mind of God before anything ever happened.”The securing and satisfying grace of God is what leads to peace. But we must also remember that denying grace leads to legalism.We are not saved by keeping laws, performing rituals, or anything other than the grace of God. Rules do not make us more like Jesus—grace does.Finally, we must recognize the enemy’s distortion of grace.Grace is not a license to sin, and if we think it is, we need to reconsider our salvation. Though our works do not save us, we should want to keep God’s law, because we love Him.We don’t work for our faith, we work because of our faith. As trophies of grace, we are God’s ambassadors, the evidence that His grace is the only thing that can save, cure, and satisfy us.Apply it to your lifeDoes your life bear the evidence of God’s amazing grace? Do you delight in the liberty faith brings? Have you fallen into the trap of legalism, or used grace as a license to sin? Repent of your sins and receive God’s forgiveness.