Victory Through Prayer
Love Worth Finding | Audio Program - A podcast by Adrian Rogers

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Acts 12:1-11The Book of Acts shares numerous accounts of triumph over difficulty, as the first Christians experienced victory through prayer.In Acts 12, the Early Church faced persecution from Herod, who unleashed violence and put the Apostle Peter in prison (v. 1-4). Yet, in verse 5, we see that “constant prayer was offered to God for him by the church.”As we fight our battle against the world, the flesh, and the devil, it is fundamental that we learn how to pray as the Early Church did.First, we must recognize the freedom of their prayers.Our enemy doesn’t want us to understand this. But try as he might, the devil cannot stop us from praying to our God; we are free to pray anytime, anywhere.Second, we see their faithfulness; they never ceased to pray.Whether God answers swiftly or there is a season of waiting, our approach to prayer should be faithful, constant, and frequent.Their prayers were also fervent: charged with intensity.Prayer is warfare—we should expect some opposition from the enemy; but we must pray wholeheartedly with fervor, concentration, and effort.Their prayers also brought them together in fellowship.Churches, which are built upon prayer, should be in the habit of drawing near to God together.The Early Church’s prayer also revealed their faith.They recognized that they were entering the throne room of God. And as we speak to God, we must do so with the faith that He will answer.We should also note the focus of that prayer.This church prayed specifically for Peter, who was in prison and set to be beheaded in the coming days. When we pray, we should avoid generalized requests and focus on specific concerns.Finally, we must remember the force of their prayer.God miraculously delivered Peter from prison. In the dead of night, Peter’s chains were broken, and the prison door was open. Peter walked out, just in time.Adrian Rogers says, “When we depend upon planning, we see what planning can do. But when we depend upon prayer, we see what God can do.”Apply it to your lifeHave you experienced victory through prayer? Remember: prayer is no substitute for work or common sense. But when you begin to merge prayer with obedience, God begins to work on your behalf.