Menopause Survival Guide: What You Need to Know to Thrive (with Tamsen Fadal)
Made To Thrive - A podcast by Kris Carr

Your Mom didn't talk about it; your Grandma didn't either. But now, as the number of women going through perimenopause and menopause reaches one billion worldwide, it's time to bring the conversation out of the shadows for some fun in the sun. And that's exactly what today's guest is so passionate about. Tamsen Fadal is an Emmy Award-winning journalist and author who turned her own struggles with menopause into a major movement to empower women to live more fully and informed in these too-often overlooked phases of life. Her new documentary, "The M Factor," is being seen in screening parties all over the world and even included in medical curriculum. In this wide-ranging and rollicking conversation we cover how to recognize symptoms, start preparing yourself early, what's going on with hormones, lifestyle habits, how to thrive at work, and yes––how to thrive in the bedroom––when you're supposed to be out to pasture! Tamsen is so funny and down-to-earth, you're gonna' walk away totally inspired to live the middle and later years you deserve.WE DISCUSS:(06:43): The misconceptions and myths surrounding menopause(12:05): When to start preparing for menopause and the importance of early education(28:54): The impact of menopause symptoms on confidence and workplace performance (35:46): Reclaiming a healthy sex life after menopause(39:18): Overcoming "Someday Syndrome" and living boldly in midlifeRESOURCES- - Watch "The M Factor" documentary- - Learn more about the documentary and community screeningsCONNECT WITH TAMSEN- Instagram: @tamsenfadal- Website: Pre-order Tamsen's upcoming book "How to Menopause"CONNECT WITH KRISFollow me on InstagramListen to more Made To ThriveOrder my new book!Get your FREE Wellness Tracker!Learn more!