39 Protecting your relationship under stress with Nicola Foster

Magnificent Midlife - A podcast by Rachel Lankester

An extremely helpful and empowering interview with Nicola Foster, relationship and intimacy therapist and coach. Nicola has created a Relationship Survival Guide for Lovers in Lockdown. I thought here was a woman I just had to get on the podcast! Even the best of relationships have been under strain in the crazy condition of the pandemic. There is lots of great advice here and you’ll find a link to the guide below. It's also my personal therapy session!

We talk about:
The biggest issues Nicola’s been seeing recently that prompted her to create the guide
The relationship resilience pyramid
The importance of looking after ourselves
The importance of laughter and having fun
The rise of TikTok
The big mistakes we can make in our relationships especially when under stress
How to avoid flash points of irritation when you’re together a lot with little space to escape
How we can all get better at communication

Giving your partner space and not needing to fix their issues
Looking for the positive and appreciating your intimate partner
The Seven Principles of Making Marriage Work by Dr John Gottman
The importance of listening for bids for attention
The four relationship horsemen
A useful tool – the daily check-in
How we can reduce conflict if it exists or deal with any underlying issues if conflict is hidden
What Nicola means by ‘clean’ anger
Bringing back intimacy and some exercises to help do that


You can find out more about Nicola:

Website: nicola-foster.com, Survival Guide for Lovers in Lockdown  

Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter

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You can find out more information and get the show notes to every episode at magnificentmidlife.com. That’s also where you’ll find strategies, support and resources to help make your midlife magnificent. There’s a midlife wellness program, courses, midlife mentoring to help make the most of your next chapter and our online Members Club. If not now, when?

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