65 Seeing light at the end of the tunnel solo with Rachel
Magnificent Midlife - A podcast by Rachel Lankester
A solo catchup episode with Rachel talking about: My joy at the US election result Not taking democracy for granted. Life under lockdown in the UK The roadmap out of lockdown Being able to finally see my mum – I hope How Christmas plans went askew Not having time to waste when you’re 86 Making the best of separation Vaccination rollout and accepting the jab My amazing recent podcast guests Finding resilience from hearing Jessica Buchanan’s desert kidnap nightmare Jackie Lynch and how to have a happy menopause How we go from what to who in midlife The pole dancing queen Makeda Smith Making more of a difference in the world with Alisoun Mackenzie How I failed to get into the BBC but now have my own podcast The importance of self-care and building our resilience Radical replenishment so we’re ready for the end of lockdown And more! If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, share it and leave a review on iTunes or wherever you’re listening. Find out how to leave a review here: bit.ly/leavepodcastreview You can find out more information and get the show notes to every episode at magnificentmidlife.com. That’s also where you’ll find strategies, support and resources to help make your midlife magnificent. There’s a midlife wellness program, courses, midlife mentoring to help make the most of your next chapter and our online Members Club. If not now, when?