79 Making dietary restrictions work with Ricki Heller
Magnificent Midlife - A podcast by Rachel Lankester
My guest today is Ricki Heller, cookbook author, holistic nutritionist and anti-candida crusader. She’s the ultimate expert, I reckon, on making dietary restrictions work, whether because you have to for health reasons or you just want to. She’s completely plant-based, sugar-free and still eats the most amazing food. This episode covers a wide range of foods you may need or want to restrict in your diet: gluten, sugar, meat, dairy, processed food etc. We talk about: Candida overgrowth, its causes, and symptoms Holistic vs allopathic medicine and their approaches to diet Nutrition and its lack of inclusion in western medical training The mysteries of the gut biome and its effects on the body Alternative eating, methods, diets, and how to stick to them Sugar alternatives, such as coconut sugar, date sugar, monk fruit, and more Baking with alternatives, gluten-free, dairy-free, and sugar-free Junk food cravings, how and why they happen Emotional eating and its negative effects Menopause, dealing with it with a restrictive diet Making dietary restrictions such as dairy-free, gluten-free, sugar-free, while still being able to enjoy what you eat Halloween and ways that families prevent their children from eating too much junk And more! Find out more about Ricki: Ricki’s website: www.rickiheller.com Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram Ricki’s books: Living Candida-Free, Naturally Sweet and Gluten-Free and Sweet Freedom You may download Ricki’s freebie here: Three Simple Shifts to Stay on Track Right Now If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, share it and leave a review on iTunes or wherever you’re listening. Find out how to leave a review here: bit.ly/leavepodcastreview You can find out more information and get the show notes to every episode at magnificentmidlife.com. That’s also where you’ll find strategies, support and resources to help make your midlife magnificent. There’s a midlife wellness program, courses, midlife mentoring to help make the most of your next chapter and our online Members Club. If not now, when?