87 Midlife women rock with Breeda Bermingham

Magnificent Midlife - A podcast by Rachel Lankester

Breeda Bermingham is a social entrepreneur, founder of the Midlife Women Rock Project and has just published a wonderful book Midlife Women Rock: A Menopause Story for a New Generation.  She’s a former midwife and nurse so she knows a lot about women’s health. She also went back to full-time education at 49 and completed a psychology degree and a master's in sociology. Pretty impressive huh! This is a truly amazing conversation. Breeda moved me to tears with her wisdom and passion! We talk about: Why Breeda wanted to write her book and is passionate about changing the current narrative around menopause. Why it’s so important to change the narrative around menopause – puberty and pregnancy may be hard but the overarching narrative is positive – not so menopause. The importance of crushing the taboo and opening up conversations. How women have been silenced for too long.  The medicalization of menopause and the impact of the book Feminine Forever. Breeda’s Menopause Cafes in Ireland. The women interviewed for the book and the power of sharing experiences.  Going back to full time education at 49 and how Breeda coped with that.  How women can take more control of their menopause experience. The importance of sleep for our long term health. How amazing women are before, during and after menopause! And more! Find out more about Breeda: Breeda's website: midlifewomenrockproject.com Breeda's book: Midlife Women Rock: A Menopause Story for a New Generation Facebook | Instagram If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, share it and leave a review on iTunes or wherever you’re listening. Find out how to leave a review here: bit.ly/leavepodcastreview You can find out more information and get the show notes to every episode at magnificentmidlife.com. That’s also where you’ll find strategies, support, and resources to help make your midlife magnificent. There’s a midlife wellness program, courses, midlife mentoring to help make the most of your next chapter, and our online membership program. If not now, when?

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