S18 Ep31: Grey aliens, black shadows and pale white creatures (Sn. 18 Ep. 31)
Monsters Among Us - A podcast by Derek Hayes | Audioboom Studios

Tonight's calls will make sure you have all the nightmare fuel you need... disturbing bedside alien abductions, creepy shadow entities, pale white creatures lurking outside a home, and much more. Season 18 Episode 31 of Monsters Among Us Podcast, true paranormal stories of ghosts, cryptids, UFOs and more, told by the witnesses themselves. SHOW NOTES: Support the show! Get ad-free, extended & bonus episodes (and more) on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/monstersamonguspodcast Support Our Sponsors - https://www.monstersamonguspodcast.com/sponsors MAU Merch Shop - https://www.monstersamonguspodcast.com/shop Watch FREE - Shadows in the Desert: High Strangeness in the Borrego Triangle - https://www.borregotriangle.com/ Monsters Among Us Junior on Apple Podcasts - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/monsters-among-us-junior/id1764989478 Monsters Among Us Junior on Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/1bh5mWa4lDSqeMMX1mYxDZ?si=9ec6f4f74d61498b Crawler Sightings Map - https...