Multiple Sclerosis Discovery -- Episode 11 with Dr. Jack Antel
Multiple Sclerosis Discovery: The Podcast of the MS Discovery Forum - A podcast by Multiple Sclerosis Discovery Forum

[intro music] Host – Dan Keller Hello, and welcome to Episode Eleven of Multiple Sclerosis Discovery, the podcast of the MS Discovery Forum. I’m your host, Dan Keller. This week’s podcast features an interview with Dr. Jack Antel about remyelination and microglia. But to begin, here is a brief summary of some of the latest developments on the MS Discovery Forum at Our latest data visualization reveals a mystery in relapsing-remitting MS. It appears that the annualized relapse rates of patients in the placebo arms of clinical trials – the placebo arms – have been decreasing since 1993. What could possibly account for this? We invite your hypotheses. Visit the MSDF website and go to our data visualizations page under “research resources.” From there you can connect to a discussion forum we’re hosting to share your opinions. Deep brain stimulation is an extreme brain surgery that can lead to dramatic improvements in patients with Parkinson’s disease or obsessive-compulsive disorder. But in MS patients with tremor, the risk-benefit ratio varies a great deal from patient to patient. The surgery involves placing an electrode into the thalamus and stimulating the surrounding neurons to reduce tremor. However, no one is sure why the procedure works in some people with MS tremor and not in others. Last week, we published a news synthesis—including a dramatic video—on the efficacy of this surgery to treat the otherwise untreatable tremor in some MS patients. We also reported on results from the phase 1 clinical trial of an anti-LINGO-1 remyelination agent. The drug, called BIIB033, is produced by Biogen Idec and proved safe and tolerable in healthy individuals and people with MS. In mouse models, the drug is shown to work by blocking LINGO-1. LINGO-1 prevents oligodendrocyte progenitor cells from differentiating into myelin-producing cells. The company is now conducting a phase 2 study to determine proper dosage in patients with MS. [transition music] Now to the interview. Dr. Jack Antel is a neurologist at the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital. His team studies remyelination and repair. He spoke with MSDF about how microglia and progenitor cells affect this process. Interviewer – Dan Keller Welcome, Dr. Antel. Interviewee – Jack Antel Thank you very much. MSDF Where do things stand now? What is the thinking of remyelination? Is it a dynamic process? Is it something that happens all at once? Is there a balance between injury and repair? Dr. Antel From the perspective of multiple sclerosis itself, we look to our pathologists who've examined the actual MS tissue, and they have established criteria by which they identify that remyelination has occurred, and thus this has been a major incentive to see whether one can accelerate that process. One can now somewhat question the certainty that we are distinguishing between actual remyelination and perhaps partial injury of myelin, and maybe part of what we've seen is actual injury rather than actual repair. The other side of the coin is from the experimental biologist who clearly have shown remyelination to occur and have identified progenitor cells as being the basis of remyelination in animal models. Now we have to bring the observation from the clinical pathology in humans together with those observations are we still certain that all of remyelination is dependent on new cells, or can previously myelinating cells still contribute. And in the context of the human disease, the issue is what is the total potential of the cells? Why doesn't everybody remyelinate? This is because there's intrinsic differences in the myelin cells that humans have. Could the myelin cells themselves be subject to injury? And also, the complicating feature is how much injury is there? So that, if the axons have been damaged, maybe they are not receptive to remyelination. And also, the chronic changes in the environment of all the other glial cells and their products in the human situation, which is after all a disease of months and years not of days and weeks, maybe this is an important influence as to why remyelination occurs or doesn't. MSDF You had mentioned partial myelination or demyelination. When one looks at a path slide, is it possible to tell whether it's going up or down? Can you distinguish one from the other? Dr. Antel So that active injury of myelin can be identified because in the active MS lesion myelin debris is freed up and picked up by the phagocytic cells – either the microglia or macrophages – so one can see that there is active injury. If one looks just at the myelin sheath itself, the criteria for remyelination is these sheaths have become rather thinned out, and the segment of the myelin sheath is shorter than in the naturally myelinated cell condition. The issue becomes whether are we absolutely sure that this is remyelination, or could one model developing this histologic feature in some way by injury? And I think that would be a very good challenge for the experimentalists to see if they can get an injury model that reproduces some myelin injury without actually killing the myelinating cells. MSDF Besides being a target for the immune response, how do glia participate in the immune response? Dr. Antel So the glia – we can refer both to the astrocytes and microglia – and as you mentioned one of the important issues I think with these cells is how they talk to the immune cells that are coming from the outside into the brain and modulating their properties. In addition, these glial cells themselves can influence the myelination process in several ways. One is that they can produce some of the same molecules that the immune cells produce or novel molecules that can either promote or directly inhibit the capacity of myelinating cells to function – so direct signaling effects on the myelinating cells. The other is they are producing molecules that change the environment so that processes either grow out or don't grow out from the myelinating cells. So we have to consider the glia, which are very dynamic and thus become a target for therapeutic manipulation, in terms of both their effects on immune cells but also can they be so, if you will, "good guys" or "bad guys" in terms of the promoting the myelination process. MSDF We think of some of the present drugs as modulating the immune system and trafficking and its effect on effector cells. But do you think that some of these may be affecting bystander cells, or I suppose maybe they're not bystanders if they're actively involved. Could they have an affect on glia? Dr. Antel I think that this is an emerging opportunity in the field because we are now having the first generation of drugs that actually access the central nervous system. The initial generation of drugs, many of the monoclonal antibodies, we felt were acting outside of the nervous system – either on immune cells themselves or on the cells that comprised the blood-brain barrier but with some particularly of the small molecule drugs that access the central nervus system – that these drugs have the capacity to interact with the neural cells. If we use as an example the family of agents that we refer to as this sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor modulators, S1P agents, there has long been data that these receptors are expressed on all cells, including all of the neural cells, and there is existing data that S1P modulators can affect the function of glial cells. Now how this translates into effects that are clinically relevant is the challenge that's ongoing now. MSDF How does all of this relate to progressive MS? Dr. Antel So progressive MS, I believe, is an entity that we have not totally understood yet, and we have to consider it in its parts, namely is progressive MS reflective of ongoing injury to the myelinating cells or the underlying axons? Is this a reflection of the injured cells no longer able to maintain themselves are they metabolically failing? And that can we distinguish these processes because if it's ongoing immune injury – whether related to the adaptive or innate immune system – then it makes sense to target those process. If it's an injury or metabolic failure, then that would be another approach. I think we have to consider whether progressive MS, again has evolved over many, many years, and whether one of our challenges is reducing the initial injury process can avoid many of these long-term events. MSDF In secondary progressive MS, do you see that there's sort of a tipping point? Is there something different in secondary progressive once that occurs? Dr. Antel It's difficult to provide an answer, and I think here is an area particularly where careful clinical studies are guiding us that the initial notion that multiple events triggered a later process would have been a very nice system to have because then stopping a process early would have predicted a beneficial later response. We are struck that the clinical data is suggesting that progression can occur perhaps even in the absence of ongoing inflammation whether the two are dissociated, at least in some cases, is a real concern. And thus, just controlling the initial immune response – because it triggers a later event – may not be sufficient. And the reverse, which I think has received perhaps less attention, is that from the clinical perspective multiple people have multiple disabling acute events and do not develop the progressive process. So it is not clear that the two are absolutely linked; whether there are genetic susceptibility factors that determine this have not yet emerged; whether it's the nature of the injury; or whether we have multiple diseases processes. MSDF We often think of bench-to-bedside as the pathway for advancements. Now you had told me earlier that you're working with people in the opposite direction; you're finding things in the human condition and then leading to laboratory validation. Can you tell me a little bit about that? Dr. Antel I think this is a very important aspect and why it is important that the clinical and clinical pathology experts really identify the core issues so that they can be taken to a laboratory and experimentally addressed. That in MS, we're dealing with a disease that develops over months and years making it more difficult to model it precisely. It's a disease where we have not established the initiating event. Whereas in the animal system, we usually use a arbitrary antigen if we were going to model an immune mediated disorder. We model the demyelination/remyelination process usually by acute toxins in the animal systems; whereas this is not the case in MS that specific exposure. And so I think we need to continue to develop our model systems that can induce some type of progressive disorder that is not specifically introduced perhaps by a specific antigen, at least the antigens we use currently. MSDF Knowing that remyelination is possible, is there an implication that it may be going on in all of us in healthy brain at all times where you actually get turnover? And if so, can you capitalize on this kind of system? Dr. Antel So the issue of turnover of myelin, I think, has not been emphasized sufficiently until recently both from the perspective if we have continuous turnover whether this may be one of the mechanisms whereby antigens are presented to the immune system. The other in terms of the turnover rate of myelin or oligodendrocytes – whether the health of these cells is damaged by the disease process, and whether a limiting factor over time is that the injury of the cells, which could be quite subtle – so that the cells are not killed, but they've impaired their function either to maintain the interaction with axons or the necessary transport of key molecules down the processes. Whether interruption of this then results in the inability of the cells to maintain their myelination properties and to continue the turnover or what might be a repair activity. And we interpret this as a later progression of the disease. MSDF On the topics we've been discussing, is there anything important to add? Dr. Antel I think the importance is that we now are turning our attention to these topics. That it is very timely that we do this – because until we could control the actual disease activity through immunomodulatory therapies – if that aspect was not controlled it would be much more difficult to think of trying to control the overall disease process. And also, as we couple the biology with careful clinical observations and the advances in imaging of the human brain, so that it gives us greater opportunities to bring our theories from the lab to the clinics and see whether we really impact in a positive way on the processes we've been discussing. MSDF Very good. We appreciate it. Dr. Antel My pleasure. [transition music] MSDF Thank you for listening to Episode Eleven of Multiple Sclerosis Discovery. This podcast was produced by the MS Discovery Forum, MSDF, the premier source of independent news and information on MS research. MSDF’s executive editor is Robert Finn. is part of the non-profit Accelerated Cure Project for Multiple Sclerosis. Robert McBurney is our President and CEO, and Hollie [intro music] Host – Dan Keller Hello, and welcome to Episode Eleven of Multiple Sclerosis Discovery, the podcast of the MS Discovery Forum. I’m your host, Dan Keller. This week’s podcast features an interview with Dr. Jack Antel about remyelination and microglia. But to begin, here is a brief summary of some of the latest developments on the MS Discovery Forum at Our latest data visualization reveals a mystery in relapsing-remitting MS. It appears that the annualized relapse rates of patients in the placebo arms of clinical trials – the placebo arms – have been decreasing since 1993. What could possibly account for this? We invite your hypotheses. Visit the MSDF website and go to our data visualizations page under “research resources.” From there you can connect to a discussion forum we’re hosting to share your opinions. Deep brain stimulation is an extreme brain surgery that can lead to dramatic improvements in patients with Parkinson’s disease or obsessive-compulsive disorder. But in MS patients with tremor, the risk-benefit ratio varies a great deal from patient to patient. The surgery involves placing an electrode into the thalamus and stimulating the surrounding neurons to reduce tremor. However, no one is sure why the procedure works in some people with MS tremor and not in others. Last week, we published a news synthesis—including a dramatic video—on the efficacy of this surgery to treat the otherwise untreatable tremor in some MS patients. We also reported on results from the phase 1 clinical trial of an anti-LINGO-1 remyelination agent. The drug, called BIIB033, is produced by Biogen Idec and proved safe and tolerable in healthy individuals and people with MS. In mouse models, the drug is shown to work by blocking LINGO-1. LINGO-1 prevents oligodendrocyte progenitor cells from differentiating into myelin-producing cells. The company is now conducting a phase 2 study to determine proper dosage in patients with MS. [transition music] Now to the interview. Dr. Jack Antel is a neurologist at the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital. His team studies remyelination and repair. He spoke with MSDF about how microglia and progenitor cells affect this process. Interviewer – Dan Keller Welcome, Dr. Antel. Interviewee – Jack Antel Thank you very much. MSDF Where do things stand now? What is the thinking of remyelination? Is it a dynamic process? Is it something that happens all at once? Is there a balance between injury and repair? Dr. Antel From the perspective of multiple sclerosis itself, we look to our pathologists who've examined the actual MS tissue, and they have established criteria by which they identify that remyelination has occurred, and thus this has been a major incentive to see whether one can accelerate that process. One can now somewhat question the certainty that we are distinguishing between actual remyelination and perhaps partial injury of myelin, and maybe part of what we've seen is actual injury rather than actual repair. The other side of the coin is from the experimental biologist who clearly have shown remyelination to occur and have identified progenitor cells as being the basis of remyelination in animal models. Now we have to bring the observation from the clinical pathology in humans together with those observations are we still certain that all of remyelination is dependent on new cells, or can previously myelinating cells still contribute. And in the context of the human disease, the issue is what is the total potential of the cells? Why doesn't everybody remyelinate? This is because there's intrinsic differences in the myelin cells that humans have. Could the myelin cells themselves be subject to injury? And also, the complicating feature is how much injury is there? So that, if the axons have been damaged, maybe they are not receptive to remyelination. And also, the chronic changes in the environment of all the other glial cells and their products in the human situation, which is after all a disease of months and years not of days and weeks, maybe this is an important influence as to why remyelination occurs or doesn't. MSDF You had mentioned partial myelination or demyelination. When one looks at a path slide, is it possible to tell whether it's going up or down? Can you distinguish one from the other? Dr. Antel So that active injury of myelin can be identified because in the active MS lesion myelin debris is freed up and picked up by the phagocytic cells – either the microglia or macrophages – so one can see that there is active injury. If one looks just at the myelin sheath itself, the criteria for remyelination is these sheaths have become rather thinned out, and the segment of the myelin sheath is shorter than in the naturally myelinated cell condition. The issue becomes whether are we absolutely sure that this is remyelination, or could one model developing this histologic feature in some way by injury? And I think that would be a very good challenge for the experimentalists to see if they can get an injury model that reproduces some myelin injury without actually killing the myelinating cells. MSDF Besides being a target for the immune response, how do glia participate in the immune response? Dr. Antel So the glia – we can refer both to the astrocytes and microglia – and as you mentioned one of the important issues I think with these cells is how they talk to the immune cells that are coming from the outside into the brain and modulating their properties. In addition, these glial cells themselves can influence the myelination process in several ways. One is that they can produce some of the same molecules that the immune cells produce or novel molecules that can either promote or directly inhibit the capacity of myelinating cells to function – so direct signaling effects on the myelinating cells. The other is they are producing molecules that change the environment so that processes either grow out or don't grow out from the myelinating cells. So we have to consider the glia, which are very dynamic and thus become a target for therapeutic manipulation, in terms of both their effects on immune cells but also can they be so, if you will, "good guys" or "bad guys" in terms of the promoting the myelination process. MSDF We think of some of the present drugs as modulating the immune system and trafficking and its effect on effector cells. But do you think that some of these may be affecting bystander cells, or I suppose maybe they're not bystanders if they're actively involved. Could they have an affect on glia? Dr. Antel I think that this is an emerging opportunity in the field because we are now having the first generation of drugs that actually access the central nervous system. The initial generation of drugs, many of the monoclonal antibodies, we felt were acting outside of the nervous system – either on immune cells themselves or on the cells that comprised the blood-brain barrier but with some particularly of the small molecule drugs that access the central nervus system – that these drugs have the capacity to interact with the neural cells. If we use as an example the family of agents that we refer to as this sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor modulators, S1P agents, there has long been data that these receptors are expressed on all cells, including all of the neural cells, and there is existing data that S1P modulators can affect the function of glial cells. Now how this translates into effects that are clinically relevant is the challenge that's ongoing now. MSDF How does all of this relate to progressive MS? Dr. Antel So progressive MS, I believe, is an entity that we have not totally understood yet, and we have to consider it in its parts, namely is progressive MS reflective of ongoing injury to the myelinating cells or the underlying axons? Is this a reflection of the injured cells no longer able to maintain themselves are they metabolically failing? And that can we distinguish these processes because if it's ongoing immune injury – whether related to the adaptive or innate immune system – then it makes sense to target those process. If it's an injury or metabolic failure, then that would be another approach. I think we have to consider whether progressive MS, again has evolved over many, many years, and whether one of our challenges is reducing the initial injury process can avoid many of these long-term events. MSDF In secondary progressive MS, do you see that there's sort of a tipping point? Is there something different in secondary progressive once that occurs? Dr. Antel It's difficult to provide an answer, and I think here is an area particularly where careful clinical studies are guiding us that the initial notion that multiple events triggered a later process would have been a very nice system to have because then stopping a process early would have predicted a beneficial later response. We are struck that the clinical data is suggesting that progression can occur perhaps even in the absence of ongoing inflammation whether the two are dissociated, at least in some cases, is a real concern. And thus, just controlling the initial immune response – because it triggers a later event – may not be sufficient. And the reverse, which I think has received perhaps less attention, is that from the clinical perspective multiple people have multiple disabling acute events and do not develop the progressive process. So it is not clear that the two are absolutely linked; whether there are genetic susceptibility factors that determine this have not yet emerged; whether it's the nature of the injury; or whether we have multiple diseases processes. MSDF We often think of bench-to-bedside as the pathway for advancements. Now you had told me earlier that you're working with people in the opposite direction; you're finding things in the human condition and then leading to laboratory validation. Can you tell me a little bit about that? Dr. Antel I think this is a very important aspect and why it is important that the clinical and clinical pathology experts really identify the core issues so that they can be taken to a laboratory and experimentally addressed. That in MS, we're dealing with a disease that develops over months and years making it more difficult to model it precisely. It's a disease where we have not established the initiating event. Whereas in the animal system, we usually use a arbitrary antigen if we were going to model an immune mediated disorder. We model the demyelination/remyelination process usually by acute toxins in the animal systems; whereas this is not the case in MS that specific exposure. And so I think we need to continue to develop our model systems that can induce some type of progressive disorder that is not specifically introduced perhaps by a specific antigen, at least the antigens we use currently. MSDF Knowing that remyelination is possible, is there an implication that it may be going on in all of us in healthy brain at all times where you actually get turnover? And if so, can you capitalize on this kind of system? Dr. Antel So the issue of turnover of myelin, I think, has not been emphasized sufficiently until recently both from the perspective if we have continuous turnover whether this may be one of the mechanisms whereby antigens are presented to the immune system. The other in terms of the turnover rate of myelin or oligodendrocytes – whether the health of these cells is damaged by the disease process, and whether a limiting factor over time is that the injury of the cells, which could be quite subtle – so that the cells are not killed, but they've impaired their function either to maintain the interaction with axons or the necessary transport of key molecules down the processes. Whether interruption of this then results in the inability of the cells to maintain their myelination properties and to continue the turnover or what might be a repair activity. And we interpret this as a later progression of the disease. MSDF On the topics we've been discussing, is there anything important to add? Dr. Antel I think the importance is that we now are turning our attention to these topics. That it is very timely that we do this – because until we could control the actual disease activity through immunomodulatory therapies – if that aspect was not controlled it would be much more difficult to think of trying to control the overall disease process. And also, as we couple the biology with careful clinical observations and the advances in imaging of the human brain, so that it gives us greater opportunities to bring our theories from the lab to the clinics and see whether we really impact in a positive way on the processes we've been discussing. MSDF Very good. We appreciate it. Dr. Antel My pleasure. [transition music] MSDF Thank you for listening to Episode Eleven of Multiple Sclerosis Discovery. This podcast was produced by the MS Discovery Forum, MSDF, the premier source of independent news and information on MS research. MSDF’s executive editor is Robert Finn. is part of the non-profit Accelerated Cure Project for Multiple Sclerosis. Robert McBurney is our President and CEO, and Hollie Schmidt is vice president of scientific operations. aims to focus attention on what is known and not yet known about the causes of MS and related conditions, their pathological mechanisms, and potential ways to intervene. By communicating this information in a way that builds bridges among different disciplines, we hope to open new routes toward significant clinical advances. We’re interested in your opinions. Please join the discussion on one of our online forums or send comments, criticisms, and suggestions to [email protected]. [outro music] Schmidt is vice president of scientific operations. aims to focus attention on what is known and not yet known about the causes of MS and related conditions, their pathological mechanisms, and potential ways to intervene. By communicating this information in a way that builds bridges among different disciplines, we hope to open new routes toward significant clinical advances. We’re interested in your opinions. Please join the discussion on one of our online forums or send comments, criticisms, and suggestions to [email protected]. [outro music]