220. Base Hits Win Games - Mark Gregory
National Fire Radio Podcast Platform - A podcast by Jeremy Donch

With close to 40 years in the fire service, over 30 of them with the FDNY, Captain Mark Gregory loves the job. Throughout his career he has been surrounded by some of the very best the FDNY has to offer. His mentorship line up reads something like a fairy tale, working the back step with big names of the business. The lessons learned and the character and integrity shared with him in his early years certainly set Mark up for a solid career. Currently the Captain of Ladder 176, "The Tin House Truck", he continues to be immersed into the job and continues to being a student of the game. As an originator of PL Vulcan, his training company that specializes in courses like "Man vs. Machine", Mark and his hand selected crew trach across the country as one of the "OG" training companies in the US. There reputation is impeccable and their mission and delivery is on point. Crediting his friend and mentor Peter Lund, "Keep it Simple" in the PL Vulcan mantra. No need to over complicate the job and that remains truer than ever today. Mark enjoys his guys and the comradery of the job more than ever. In his words, "Put your cell phone in your locker and enjoy the show." Mark believes this is the best job in the world and he's not slowing down anytime soon. With his large smile and engaging demeanor, Mark Gregory is a presence you need to meet. His high energy, strong belief in treating a fireman like a fireman and his taste for good cigars are all characteristics we should all strive for. -- Check our Pl Vulcan at www.plvulcanfiretrainingconcepts.com for more information.