230. You Gotta Share It - Eric Hankins
National Fire Radio Podcast Platform - A podcast by Jeremy Donch

23 years with the City of Yuba City, CA, Battalion Chief Eric Hankins recognizes that his position can affect change within his organization. The Battalion Chief still hits the street with companies and is a important part of the operations structure in and out of the firehouse. His presence on the fire ground provides him with the insight he needs to be a champion for the needs of those working the streets. It's a liaison position, the go between the firefighter and officers and the administration. Being able to affect change is a great task and one Eric does not hold lightly. His roots in the fire service hooked him and he took a quick liking to the emergency services. A focus on training really hooked him and he found his way to conferences, training events and other activities where he found like minded firefighters. He was always looking for more knowledge, more insight about the job he was so passionate about. his lead to friendships and comradery that opened more and more doors. He soon found himself the Vice President of the FOOLS (international) and teaching with some of the biggest names in the business. Inside the job, Eric is a decorated firefighter including the 2010 Ray Downey Courage and Valor Award by FDIC / Fire Engineering as well as the California State Firefighters Association Medal of Valor for his heroic rescues made off duty from a burning building. His career thus far has been everything he has wanted and more. He has come to understand the need for a sort of balance outside the job and he finds that the two wheel therapy of his motorcycle is exactly what he needs. A member of the Men of Fire Motorcycle Club allows him to unwind and decompress from the job. He values his friendships and recognizes we need to do more for one another. Losing several Brothers and friends to mental health, he knows we have along way to go to help our own and he is passionate about the topic of mental health in the fire service. Eric Hankins loves the job and continues to teach and promote why the job is so good. Eric truly believes that you need to share it in order to pay it forward and he continues to do that each day.