240. If You Don't Have Sweat in the Skill, Then I'm Not Listening - Brad Ascenzi
National Fire Radio Podcast Platform - A podcast by Jeremy Donch

Five generations and 26 years with the Fire Service, Brad Ascenzi has some very deep roots in the fire service. From football, to the military and into the firehouse, each chapter along the way always circled back to the team mentality. Brad is passionate about his company, those he works with and the importance of making sure we do our part to make the job better. His 23 years with the Houston, TX Fire Department has afforded him incredible opportunities as well as some very close calls. All of this experience is wasted if it is not shared and passed on to the next generation. Brad believes in sweat equity, that experience matters and no piece of paper will replace actually fireground knowledge. We cannot get lost in the administration work of the job but focus on the simple job of hands on firefighting. As the Chauffeur of Tower Co. 18, Brad still pushes himself on the fireground, constantly testing his abilities and knowledge while sharing and talking with his company. Like his early days of team sports, a well coordinated and put together company represents the very best of what we offer on the fireground. We need play makers and go getters, leave the paper certificates behind and bring your physical and mental presence on every run you respond to. A great quote from the episode, "You'll never see a coward get in trouble", sums up exactly what it's like to ride Tower Co. 18. There is no place to hide on the job and we have no room for cowards imitating firefighters. This job requires an all in attitude and Brad Ascenzi certainly sets that tone each day he steps into the firehouse.