274. [ Replay ] Episode 128 - "Be Intentional" - Kamron Gangbin
National Fire Radio Podcast Platform - A podcast by Jeremy Donch
A chance encounter lead to Kamron and Jeremy becoming friends. This straight shooter from the Napa Valley region of California brings so much to the table. Captain Kamron Gangbin of CAL Fire certainly loves his job and his gorgeous first due area. Well entrenched within the community he serves makes it an absolute enjoyment to work in while causing unbearable heartache when the wildfires occur. It's not uncommon to turn the corner and see multiple homes on fire with people still asleep inside. Single man searching under the most harrowing conditions is not uncommon for his company. The Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) is a completely different animal than the routine fires and emergencies that most of us deal with on a daily basis. Kamron and his crews need to know it all and understand the consequences of a delayed response or not being prepared could make the difference between a small fire and a conflagration. They train and train some more. Intent matters and Kamron explains why it is imperative to be INTENTIONAL about everything they do. "When you have a constant, you then know when something is out of place." A powerful episode and a unique perspective on a job we all love.