335. The Senior Man and his Garden Talk - Tim Nagim
National Fire Radio Podcast Platform - A podcast by Jeremy Donch

24 years on the job, Tim Nagim is one of three most senior men within the Escambia, FL Fire Rescue Department. This is something that Tim takes very seriously and in fact, welcomes the challenge of it each day. His commitment to the job is fiercely guarded by his work ethic and daily demeanor. Tim is a man who knows where to be and where to fit in long before he is asked to do so. Such a presence requires years of hard work and understanding the importance of experience and knowledge. He strongly believes in the long cuts - shorts cuts do not have a place in the fire service. Working with firefighters and officers that are junior to his seniority presents challenges that sometimes requires a unique approach. His willingness to listen and mentor is done many days within the garden, a "safe space" where anything goes and most problems can be solved. Tim has great love for the job and his approach is becoming more unique on a job where experience and true senior men are lacking. Tim exemplifies what a senior man is and anyone who has had the opportunity to work with him, be mentored by him or just had a conversation with him knows the value and commitment he shares because, frankly, it's just who he is.