NextGen Humanities Episode 2 – Jasna Žmak & Dramaturgy/Performance in Europe
NextGen Humanities - A podcast by Zachary Mazur

This week we are talking to Jasna Žmak (Department of Dramaturgy, Academy of Dramatic Art, University of Zagreb, Croatia). In addition to her academic work that spans across disciplines such as performance studies and gender studies, Žmak is also a creative artist, novelist, scriptwriter, screenwriter and dramaturg. We talk about what her work looks like these days, how she uses her training in the humanities to create art and what keeps her striving to achieve more. Below you'll find a selection of her recent publications. You can follow her on Twitter and Instagram @jasnazmak.As always you can keep to date with on Twitter at @nextgenhum PUBLICATIONS – BOOKS2020 Those Things – Essays on Female Sexuality (One stvari – eseji o ženskoj seksualnosti), Fraktura, Zagreb2019 Lecture as Performance, Performance as Lecture – on the Production of Knowledge in the Arts (Predavanje kao izvedba, izvedba kao predavanje – o proizvodnji znanja u umjetnosti), Leykam International, ZagrebPUBLICATIONS – BOOK ARTICLES2016 Dramaturgy, what a Queer Thing to Do!, The Practice of Dramaturgy: Working on Actions in Performance, ed. Konstantina Georgelou, Efrosini Protopapa & Danae Theodoridou, Amsterdam: Valiz, pp. 149-1562016 Continuous Invisibility, Cultural Ties in the Balkans, ed. Davor Mišković, Rijeka: Drugo More, pp. 63-70 (with Vedrana Klepica)2015 Performing Lectures, Practising Composition: Making Practice. Texts, Dialogues and Documents 2011−2013, ed. Kirsi Monni & Ric Allsopp, Helsinki: University of the Arts, pp. 264-275 (with Konstantina Georgelou)2012 High Hopes, Performing Politics, Politisch Kunst machen nach dem 20. Jahrhundert, ed. Nikolaus Müller-Schöll, André Schallenberg & Mayte Zimmermann, Hamburg: Theater der Zeit (with Reinhard Strobl)