#14: Jeremy White | The Wiped Out Knowledge of Real Celtic Shamanism

The Human Game w/ Nick Zei - A podcast by Nick Zei

Jeremy White is an authentic Celtic Shaman Practicing out of the Glastonbury England area currently.  In this episode, we dive deep into all the aspects and stories around shamanism, the history of our earth from a shamanic perspective, and much more.   This was easily one of my favorite podcasts, just due to the storytelling ability that Jeremy had.  As you can tell, I was on the edge of my seat completely fascinated by the concepts being relayed.   I did my best to correct Jeremy's audio, and hopefully it is listenable. I spent a long time trying to get it to sound decent.   Tap Jeremy's link tree to find all of his upcoming classes, and all of what he's doing here: https://linktr.ee/jeremyrjwhite   Find Nick and everything he's doing at his link tree here: https://linktr.ee/nick.zei

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