Chronicles of the Sahaba in their Youth
Nouman Ali Khan - A podcast by Muslim Central

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan shares with us the accounts of one particular Sahabi that we can draw specific lessons from.
The initial part of the lecture dwells on a comparison in the stature and authority of Musa AS and Haroon AS. There’s a big difference in the way of leadership between the two.
For all of us, we have not seen Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, and for the Sahaba that were seeing him, they had not seen Allah. They had not seen miracles from the sky, or anything supernatural, save a few of them who saw some particular incidents that we can pinpoint.
But for these specific companions of Musa AS who were in dire straits such as they were about to be executed by a tyrant ruler, whilst standing in the desert on the trust and promise made by Musa AS. It was not so easy for the companions of Musa AS to easily trust him in the wake of these trials and dangers.