Divine Speech Part 1
Nouman Ali Khan - A podcast by Muslim Central

Ustadha Nouman Ali Khan delves into the topic of the lecture, “Literary characteristics of the Qur’an” which comprises the introductory phase of his talk.
Allah says in the Qur'an “haadha balyaaghu li-n-nas”.“Balyaagh” in Arabic means that which reaches someone else, a communication. The Qur’an is meant to reach people. It is a message to people.
Hence, Ustadh speaks about the essential components of communication which is aimed at an appreciation of the Qur’an that is almost lost entirely upon people who are not students of the Qur’an and Arabic which is the majority of Muslims. There are three components of speech: the first one – the speaker, the second one – the content, the speech and the third one – the style, how they speak – the medium.
When we turn to the Qur’an we ask ourselves, and we ask ourselves revisiting the question, the Qur’an is a miracle. The Qur’an is remarkable. The Qur’an is stunning in its beauty and communication. It’s remarkable and incredible in three other ways too - it’s remarkable in that the speaker is incredible, the speaker himself. What else is incredible? The speech. What else is incredible? The style.
In the next part of the lecture, we are made aware of who Hamaan is. Who is Haman in the Qur’an? He is the minister or one of the ministers of Fir’awn. Hamaan is mentioned in the Qur’an about six times. Why so? Listen intently.
Then, we have acquaintance with two stories - the story of Tufayl ibn Amr ad-Dawsi and the story of ‘Utba ibn Rabi'ah.