Divine Speech Part 2
Nouman Ali Khan - A podcast by Muslim Central

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan acquaints us with the Qur’an being an incredible literature from many different angles. We can study this subject from many different points of view.
The first of the viewpoints that is delved upon is precision in word choice or accurate word choice. The believer knows that the Qur'an is the speech of Allah. The speech of a human being is not necessarily calculated down to the word, but the speech of Allah is perfect because it comes from a source that is perfect. And that is illustrated with hundreds of thousands of examples in the Qur’an.
An interesting comparison is drawn from two words - Makkah and Bakkah. They both occur once in the Qur’an: once in the Qur’an in Surat Muhammad wherein Allah SWT uses the word Makkah and the word Bakkah. What is the purpose of this? Listen intently.
Allah's speaks about tranquility often in the Quran. The Arabic word for tranquility is “As-Sakeenah”. “He is the one who sent tranquility into the hearts of the believers, he sent it into the hearts of the believers. “ But in Suratu-l-Fath and Surat-At Tawba, Allah says: “He sent tranquility upon them.” In one place he says in the same Surah He sent tranquility inside their hearts; in another, He says he’s sent the tranquility upon them. What is the meaning of this?
The Qur’an is remarkable, stunning, mesmerizing literature to which there can never be any comparison even as we consider having an impact not just from a religious point of view but even from a psychological point of view. One can not be affected by anything one would ever listen or read as one will be by the Qur’an.`