The Role Model
Nouman Ali Khan - A podcast by Muslim Central

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan implores us to be that role model and teach the same to those around you based on how Allah ordained us to be in this life so as to enjoy the fruits of the Hereafter.
The Ustadh tells us that when we go on a search for role models next time, we should have a brief look in the mirror. Why so? This is because Allah has already put us in the position of leadership and responsibility by making us Muslims. We are the blessed Ummah of Muhammad ﷺ.
The majority of the people that walked this earth do not have this gift and since we have that gift, we are an honored Ummah and Allah gave us this honor so we could be role models to the rest of humanity. Hence, it is paramount that we recognize our place in the world and realize our future so that we can show this world the beauty of this religion in a way that it’s never, ever, ever seen before.