When Muslims Work Together 3 - Volunteer Discipline
Nouman Ali Khan - A podcast by Muslim Central

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan shares with us two passages which at first seem to contradict each other from Surah An-Nur, verse 62 and from Surah At Taubah, Ayats 44 to 45 and it seems as if they are saying the exact opposite of each other.
In Surah An-Nur,
‘Those who are asking you permission are in fact the ones who believe in Allah and his messenger.’
In Surah At Taubah,
‘Those who believe in Allah and the last day, don’t ask your permission,’
and it goes further,
‘those who are asking your permission they don’t believe in Allah and the last day.’
Surah Nur says, ‘Those who ask your permission those are the ones who have imaan.’ Surah Taubah says, ‘Those who ask you permission are the ones who have no imaan!’ Then there is another contradiction, ‘If they ask you (to be excused) for whatever issue they have, don’t give them permission!’
Surah Nur says, ‘If they ask for permission, it’s a sign of imaan and if they are asking (to be excused) for an important matter, give them permission.’
Surah Taubah says, ‘May Allah forgive you, why did you give them permission?’ Surah An Nur says, ‘Give them permission.’ Surah At Taubah says, ‘Why did you do it?’ Surah An Nur says, ‘If they ask permission that’s Imaan.’ Surah At Taubah says, ‘They have no imaan.’
These Ayats are being discussed because they represent some of the most beautiful examples of Quranic wisdom on the issue of seeking permission from Muslim leadership.
Thus, in Surah An-Nur we understand the standard protocol of discipline. If one has an issue, he should ask permission and the Leadership should go out of their way to try to give permission in most cases. We must respect them and honor their request. Did the hypocrites ever ask permission? The only reason they came to ask for permission was that it was mandatory. So voluntarily they never came to ask for permission. The people who came to ask for permission voluntarily depicts a sign of Iman. That’s the difference between Surah An Nur and Surah At Taubah.