When Muslims Work Together 5 Najwa What Destroys Islamic Work
Nouman Ali Khan - A podcast by Muslim Central

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan conducts a session about something which destroys Islamic work and that is Najwa. Najwa is mentioned a couple of times in the passage from Surah Al Mujadila. The Ustadh discusses the essence of Najwa. Najwa means secret discussions with malicious intentions. How does Najwa develop?
As a consequence of holding meetings post a lecture or similar things, we find that a subgroup forms within the main group and they discuss the lectures held earlier and they are very defensive about that. What this does is that it disperses the unity and frankness of the gathering and of the decision-making and it cuts away at shura (mutual consultation) because in shura everybody has equal access to give an opinion and everybody shares their opinion on the same platform. This leads to forming blocs on the outside. This forming of a bloc on the outside is Najwa. So a private meeting for malicious or evil purposes is what Najwa is.
Surah Al-Fath talks about Najwa that is catastrophic and how it can destroy Islamic work. It can destroy the Islamic school, the masjid, or any organization. Because a few people discuss things which they should not discuss and hence, they are breaking a trust because such meetings and what is discussed in them are a form of trust. So Najwa violates that trust.