#5 - Ryan's GF Revealed, BTS fandom, and his First Kiss

Off The Pill - A podcast by Higa TV

Thanks to our sponsor SeatGeek! Use code HIGA for $20 off your first order:http://sg.app.link/higa (Restrictions Apply). Ryan and friends discuss K-pop group BTS, stories of getting massages in Indonesia, how Rich Brian met Ryan, and the guys share their first kiss stories.  Follow "Off The Pill" and send us your questions and topics!http://twitter.com/OffThePillhttp://instagram.com/OffThePillPodcastHosted by Ryan HigaInstagram - http://www.instagram.com/notryanhigaYouTube - http://www.youtube.com/RyanHigaTwitter - http://www.twitter.com/therealryanhigaContact Information:Media Inquiries - [email protected][email protected]  

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