26. The New World Order and Old World Philosophy
Our Foundations Podcast - A podcast by OurFoundations

To wrap up the series on corruption and conspiracy, there's no better topic and theme than the New World Order. You've probably heard the term from world leaders over the past few decades along with a push for globalization, unity, and international regulations. I'll explore what the concept is, what the goals are, and what tools and methods are used or will be used to accomplish these. It sounds great to hear about world peace, ending poverty, and saving the planet but practically, what does this actually mean and involve? Topics also include economic equality, discrimination, environmentalism and global warming, ethnic homogeneity, nationalism, technocracy, cybernetics, and social engineering. Prior to covering the New World Order, I go over similar ideologies from Plato and Aristotle. They had views on the relationship between society and the State that are very similar to those behind the New World Order. These include eugenics, social engineering, surveillance, education methods, and more. Times change but ideas are eternal. Human nature is the same as well. The New World Order is a relatively new idea but it's roots lie in very old philosophy. - Website - http://www.ourfoundations.podbean.com/ - Email - [email protected] - Patreon page to support / donate - https://www.patreon.com/ourfoundations - Follow on Twitter - https://twitter.com/Foundationspc - Bitcoin Address - 1AZFLCvmfXasChaaecgYMP3vtnUrnLJoY7 - Ethereum - 0x409D0F2766e208C1Ea97fF2429D38a3D9E3abd3a - Zcash - t1SZKfocBcghVMWVCsbSA9zAHr5fzsxi62H - Pivx - D7ziutb5gGNnJ5pXngwa3w9zJj2P1iNzUT