33. Agorist Communities

Our Foundations Podcast - A podcast by OurFoundations

For the final episode in this series on agorism, I highlight some agorist communities. These groups of people have focused on taking care of themselves without reliance or involvement with the State. The first example is historical with the Taborites, an early reformist group from the 1400s. This leads into other groups that spawned out of the reformation, mainly the anabaptists, including the Menonites, Amish, and Bruderhofs. After this, we take a trip to Mexico and look at how some communities have set up whole market and monetary systems that are local and independent of the State. For another Mexican example, Cheran is a town that kicked out the cartels and the government and opted for self rule. The final community in focus will be Rojava, or The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria. This area has declared independence from all States and is a bastion of liberty and equality in the middle of the oppressive countries of Iran, Turkey, and Syria.   - Website - http://www.ourfoundations.podbean.com/ - Email - [email protected] - Patreon page to support / donate - https://www.patreon.com/ourfoundations - Follow on Twitter - https://twitter.com/Foundationspc - Bitcoin Address - 1AZFLCvmfXasChaaecgYMP3vtnUrnLJoY7 - Ethereum - 0x409D0F2766e208C1Ea97fF2429D38a3D9E3abd3a - Zcash - t1SZKfocBcghVMWVCsbSA9zAHr5fzsxi62H - Pivx - D7ziutb5gGNnJ5pXngwa3w9zJj2P1iNzUT

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