125. The Chief, The Gym Rat and The Hitman

Our True Crime Podcast - A podcast by Our True Crime Podcast

Mark Tim Todd was raised in Herculaneum and it was right away that everyone knew Tim was going to be a standout in athletics. His dedication and his physique helped him become a stellar athlete. At 6’7 and 230 pounds, it was no shock that he would be so successful in all sports, voted most talented his senior year as well as most handsome. Every boy wanted to be him and every girl wanted to be with him. When Tim goes to work for a prominent police chief, it seems like the whole world is in his hands but all is not what it seems. When the fairy tale story ends, a person is left dead on the garage floor.Join Jen and Cam as we discuss “The Chief, the Gym Rat and the Hitman’ on this episode of Our True Crime Podcast.Listener discretion is by the amazing @octoberpodVHS.All our music is by @wetalkofdreams -we loved Nico so much we made him our executive producer. Sources:https://www.newspapers.com/clip/25928684/ex-chief-pagano-mentor-for-the-man-he/https://law.justia.com/cases/missouri/court-of-appeals/1994/17970-1.htmlhttps://subslikescript.com/series/Killer_Bods-11208504/season-1/episode-3https://ccofgr.com/uranium-metal-lmi/da3191-festus-missouri-murders-paganohttps://www.teamglobal.in/wp-content/cache/vanilla-extract-qij/festus-missouri-murders-pagano-58ce94https://www.stltoday.com/suburban-journals/prosecutor-recounts-bizarre-cases-in-scoundrels-to-the-hoosegow/article_42d7f078-ea9f-54b3-a705-62f6260421f9.htmlhttps://www.stltoday.com/news/multimedia/william-pagano-walks-past-photographers/image_879e5da1-9dc7-5eba-af43-c3acb215d467.htmlhttps://www.findagrave.com/memorial/37702221/william-n_-pagano

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