262. The Murders of Tara Sue Huffman and Christopher Meyer
Our True Crime Podcast - A podcast by Our True Crime Podcast
On August 7, 1995, in Aroma Park, Illinois, 9-year-old Christopher Meyer approached his mom, Mika Moulton, asking for permission to visit the Aroma Park boat launch by the Kankakee River. Christopher, who spent his summers with his mother but resided with his father, Jim Meyer, in Walla Walla, Washington, during the school year, was eager to explore. Mika permitted him to go but set a curfew, instructing him to return home by 5 pm. When 5 o'clock came and went, Mika began to worry. She went out to search for Christopher but was unsuccessful so she returned home to phone the police and report Christopher missing. At the time, no one knew it but Christopher was not this person’s first victim. Join Jen and Cam of Our True Crime Podcast on this episode entitled “The Murders of Tara Sue Huffman and Christopher Meyer.”Listener Discretion by @octoberpodVHSAll music is by our EP @theinkypawprintOneSkin sponsors this episode. OneSkin is the world's first skin longevity company. Focusing on the cellular aspects of aging, OneSkin keeps your skin looking and acting younger for longer. If you want 15% off use the code OTCP when you checkout at oneskin.co. This is only for a limited time. That’s 15% off oneskin.co with code OTCP. After you purchase, they’ll ask you where you heard about them, support our show, and tell them we sent you.Sources:https://murderpedia.org/male.B/b/buss-timothy.htmhttps://www.chicagotribune.com/1996/07/03/july-3-1996-buss-woes-stem-from-childhood-doctor-says/https://casetext.com/case/people-v-buss-4https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueCrime/comments/sgeb6r/in_1981_a_13_year_old_boy_named_timothy_buss/https://www.spokesman.com/stories/1996/jul/06/killer-sentenced-to-death-in-murder-of-10-year-old/https://daily-journal.com/news/local/timothy-buss-asks-shorter-prison-time/article_638f3aa8-8ed8-5bd8-ac6c-d9fe8e7c3d74.htmlhttps://www.newspapers.com/article/southern-illinoisan-tara-sue-huffman-ki/24824721/?locale=en-UShttps://archive.seattletimes.com/archive/?date=19960706&slug=2337897https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1995-09-03-mn-41912-story.htmlhttps://www.chicagotribune.com/1996/07/04/july-4-1996-buss-father-blames-himself-for-sons-behavior/https://caselaw.findlaw.com/court/il-supreme-court/1008442.htmlhttps://medium.com/@criminalmatters/13-year-old-sexually-assaulted-killed-5-year-old-12-years-later-he-killed-again-a4597417af20