44. The Campfire Killings Summer Blast 3

Our True Crime Podcast - A podcast by Our True Crime Podcast

Summertime is here! Time to enjoy family and friends as you grill your favorite goodies and take a leisurely swim in the pool. It may mean a weekend trip to your favorite camping spot or a family vacation to the beach. OTCP wants to help you kickoff your  adventure with our 5 episode series Summer Blast. We will be bringing you an episode each day from Wednesday-Sunday. Be warned though, it is not for the faint of heart and, well, you may want to rethink that camping trip or beach excursion. Oh, and perhaps you may want to listen to us on the way home rather than on the way there. It was Sept 13, 1982 when Detective Mike Eastham was summoned to a campsite in Wells Gray Park Provincial in Britt Columbia, Canada. Eastham was not quite sure what he was going to find but had been told there was a fire and they had discovered one body at that point. Once on sight, they located a car that was burned badly but there was no mistaking the bone fragments inside the car and those bones belonged to humans. Not  quite sure if there were one or two bodies inside the vehicle but they weren’t finished. Once the trunk was opened, the shock hit hard as two small skeletons were inside. Who would want this loving family dead? The answer would shock everyone. Join Jen and Cam on episode 3 of the OTCP Summer Blast series entitled The Campfire Killings. Promo by Pretend Radio @PretendpodListener Discretion by the smooth talking Edward Octoberpod from @octoberpodVHS.All Music and Editing by the notable Nico from @wetalkofdreams 

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