Easter Sunday Massacre 12 Nightmares Before Christmas (Day 11)
Our True Crime Podcast - A podcast by Our True Crime Podcast
On Easter Sunday, families gather to celebrate with family and friends. They enjoy the traditional ham dinner with all the trimmings and attend service to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. It is a time to be together with those you love and cherish but for James Ruppert, it was something much different. As we have learned, often things look different on the outside than on the inside and sometimes they are not at all what they seemed. Join Jen and Cam on day 11 of the 12 Nightmares Before Christmas as we discuss Easter Sunday Massacre. Always angelic Edward OctoberpodVHS @octoberpodVHS did that swell listener discretion at the top of the show. All music and editing is brought to you by our naughty but nice Nico from @wetalkofdreams.Sources:https://www.americanhauntingsink.com/easterhttps://www.journal-news.com/news/parole-for-james-ruppert-easter-mass-murder/yjmZrzIYnNUZ2YHFbN90bL/https://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/james-ruppert-easter-sunday-massacre-hamilton-woman-copes-with-living-in-a-murder-househttps://murderpedia.org/male.R/r/ruppert-james.htm