Talk About S.e.x. Series - Why is it Important to do the "S.e.x. Talk"?
ParentEd - A podcast by Focus on the Family Singapore - Marți

Do you feel awkward and uncomfortable at the thought of talking to your kids about sex? Worried that you may not know how to answer the questions they have about the topic?In the second episode of this two-part Talk About Sex series on the ParentEd Podcast, our host, Alicia Boo, is joined by Josiah Ng, a father of two sons aged 4 and 8. Josiah candidly shares about what it was like when he first had to broach the topic with his firstborn and how he navigated the uncertainties of starting sexuality education at home. He provides helpful tips on having these important conversations with our children, and the important part that both parents have in guiding their kids in building a strong foundation in this aspect.--Research shows that when parents engage their children in topics on sexuality, their children grow to make wiser choices in relationships and sex. To help you overcome your fears in broaching the topic, we have designed a Talk About Sex video podcast series to equip parents in having ongoing conversations with their children in this important aspect. Visit to find out more!Do you have a question for us, or a topic you would like to hear about? Drop us an email at [email protected] you have enjoyed this episode, please leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcast or Podchaser. It'll be very helpful for others to find our podcast. You can also help us by copying this link to share with your friends.You can also support us by giving monthly. We appreciate your generous giving as every dollar helps to sustain our efforts in strengthening families. Do note that if you are based in Singapore, one-time gifts above SGD$50 or monthly donations above SGD$10 are eligible for 250% tax-deductible benefits.