127:Extortion Development
PHPUgly - A podcast by Eric Van Johnson, John Congdon
The week, Eric, John, and Thomas discuss Passcodes are protected by Fifth Amendment, says court PHPUgly on Spotify Sequal Pro Nightly Builds Emily4Mayor 360º Visit to Adafruit w/ Limor Fried! Insta360 One X - YouTube Listener Suggested: Timeular. Track, understand and improve how you work. Microsoft further commits to open source, releases two thirds of its patents to the Open Invention Network | On MSFT Google employee walkout begins over handling of sexual harassment scandals - CNN When Good Software Goes Bad: Malware In Open Source The Future of Zend IBM to Acquire Red Hat for About $33 Billion - WSJ Laravel’s New Team Member: Dries Vints – Taylor Otwell – Medium Bad Developer Story from a new client