86: Making things up
PHPUgly - A podcast by Eric Van Johnson, John Congdon
Recorded December 7, 2017 Topics PHPUgly Back on HTTPS with Cloudflare PHP Security Advent Calendar 2017 Chrome 63 now forces .dev domains to HTTPS - Laravel News Cloudflare’s CEO has a plan to never censor hate speech again | Ars Technica Buy Bitcoin IRA | Bitcoin IRA Investment & Retirement Account | BitcoinIRA.com Game Over? Steam Stops Accepting Bitcoin Due to High Fees, Volatility Symfony 4.0.0 released (Symfony Blog) Four things I like about Symfony 4 What are CryptoKitties? Why the Blockchain-Based Game is So Fascinating Google pulls YouTube from Amazon devices, escalating spat 90% of websites running PHP 5