3.24 KEYNOTE-177 & Mathematic Models for Fighting COVID-19 with Dr. Wesley Pegden

Plenary Session - A podcast by Vinay Prasad, MD MPH

This week we return to our roots of oncology and dissect the recent results from KEYNOTE-177. We also have an in-depth interview with mathematician Dr. Wes Pegden of Carnegie Mellon University on a mathematical approach to the COVID-19 pandemic. KEYNOTE-177: doi.org/0.1056/NEJMoa2017699 COVID-19 Mathematical Model: https://math.cmu.edu/~wes/covid.html Back us on Patreon! www.patreon.com/plenarysession Check out our YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/channel/UCUibd0E2kdF9N9e-EmIbUew

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