145: Quality & Helpfulness: Phase 2 of the Podcast Niche Domination Formula

Podcastification - podcasting tips, podcast tricks, how to podcast better - A podcast by Carey Green


https://podcastfasttrack.com/AFFILIATE offer for this episode: CAPTIVATEOK, you're working that "awareness" piece from the last installment, right? Be sure you go back and start there if you're not.It's time for STEP TWO of my Niche Domination Formula. Here it is:Quality / HelpfulnessThis one is best illustrated by talking about movies.There are only two reasons I can think of that people talk about particular movies.1. It was really good2. It was really badAnd then in the middle are the MILLIONS of movies that nobody is talking about because they are just "so-so." Right?The same is true of podcastsYou want people to be talking about your podcast - but for the RIGHT reason... because it's truly GREAT content!That "greatness" exists in either quality or helpfulness - but preferably both.QUALITYQuality has to do with the experience your listeners have as your episode comes through their ear(buds).There are a handful of words (and opposing words) that help us dial this one in. Your show may not be all of these, but it should be some...Is your podcast...Pleasant? (as opposed to painful to listen to)Creative? (as opposed to more of the same)Deep? (as opposed to skimming the surface of your topics)Original? (as opposed to saying what everyone else says)Moving? (as opposed to emotionally uninspiring)Revealing? (as opposed to guarded or inhibited)Engaging? (as opposed to boring, uninteresting)Provocative? (as opposed to bland, unsurprising)Helpful? (Oh, wait... that deserves its own section, later...)All of these are possible for your show, but you've got to decide which ones you're going to make a hallmark of your show.Will you focus on creativity through the sounds you use, the way you mix music, and the perspectives you bring to your topics?ORWill you find guests that are not the run-of-the-mill talking heads, people who bring fresh perspectives that truly help your listeners?There's no one-size-fits-all for this issue - and you've got to decide what you can manage, both in terms of your expertise and in terms of the time you have to devote to your podcast.But know this: If your podcast is not high quality, NOBODY will be talking about it. That means your growth-curve will be slow, slow, slow... and you will NEVER dominate your niche.HELPFULNESSOne of the most powerful ways your podcast can be a high-quality show in your niche is by being ultra helpful.I think that's one of the reasons Pat Flynn's show "Smart Passive Income" appeals to so many people. He works hard to make it super helpful, super practical.So you have to ask yourself, "What does MY particular audience need?"Your answer could come in the form of the pains they experience, the struggles they have, or the desires they have that are not fulfilled.Once you know that answer - you have the opportunity to fill...

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