48: How to Make Your Podcast Stand Out From the Crowd

Podcastification - podcasting tips, podcast tricks, how to podcast better - A podcast by Carey Green


If you want to stand out from the crowd as a podcaster, you’re going to have to up your game. I don’t care how professional or expert you are in what you do as a business, if you want to grow your podcast audience you’ve got to give your potential listeners more reasons to listen to your show above all the others in your niche.

Make YOUR needle stand out from the haystack

You’ve really got to start thinking differently about getting your podcast heard. It’s no longer a “record it and they will listen” world. There are over 2100 NEW podcasts being published every day. EVERY DAY. That’s a lot of noise you’ve got to cut through.

The good news is that many of those shows are absolute JUNK. But there are probably just as many that aren’t. And when it comes to the ones that are in your same niche, you’ve got to stand out from the crowd, to be head and shoulders above them in terms of quality, content, and production values.

So how do you do it? How do you stand out from the crowd?

That’s what this episode of Podcastification is all about. I’m going to share ? things you can do to improve your podcast in ways that make it better than the other shows in your niche. If you don’t do something, believe me, YOUR COMPETITION WILL! So don’t get left behind.

Don’t blend into the the crowd. Don’t let your show sink into the iTunes directory of obscurity (there really IS a category like that. You didn’t know? ;). You’ve got to up your game.

Blending in is no longer an option. Here’s how you can up your game.

Outline of this episode

  • [1:18] The reality of the competition you face as a podcaster.
  • [2:12] Audio quality matters more than ever these days if you want to stand out.
  • [5:54] The one thing that can get people to click on your show above the others.
  • [8:50] The different types of intros and outros that can make a difference.
  • [10:39] One of the reasons you might consider unique music for your show.
  • [12:02] The REAL power of GOOD QUALITY audio editing.
  • [13:35] Speak directly to your listener - your IDEAL listener.
  • [15:49] How unique is your perspective on your topics? It matters.

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