71: How YOU Can Be The Trusted Resource Your Listeners Are Looking For

Podcastification - podcasting tips, podcast tricks, how to podcast better - A podcast by Carey Green


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Are you podcasting as a content marketing move? You know, trying to become the trusted resource in your niche that your listeners turn to for help and advice?

I think that’s a good plan. A VERY good plan.

But I don’t see a lot of podcasters actually pulling it off effectively.

There’s only so much you can benefit personally from interviewing OTHER experts, you know?

At some point YOU have got to step out there - YOU have got to let your audience know what you know - and how it can help them. YOU have got to become that trusted resource you’re really wanting to be.

Did you get that? YOU have got to BE that trusted resource.

This episode of Podcastification is brief, but I think it could be the very thing that could help you position yourself to be that resource for your listeners that they’ve been looking for.

Seriously. That’s not an overstatement or smarmy marketing-talk. It’s what I truly believe.

I originally learned this idea from a guy named James Schramko (who has NO idea who I am) simply by listening to his podcast. He did this well - and is what put the idea on my radar.

I believe once you hear this idea and take the time to think it through - and push down your insecurity and fear about putting yourself in the spotlight - you’re going to see that I’m right.

That James is right. That a handful of other podcasters are right. Including one of my clients who I use as an example on this episode.

So… get ready to discover a new way to podcast. Well… it’s not a new way, but it’s new to many of you, I know.

Just listen.

Here’s a rough outline of this episode on being the trusted resource…

  • [1:28] What’s your true REASON for podcasting in the first place?
  • [3:43] Where I first got the idea for making YOURSELF the trusted resource.
  • [7:03] A shining example of a client of mine who did this right.
  • [10:38] How you can get me to help you. Seriously.

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