120: Sneak peek into "You Are That Girl" - the confidence workbook you NEED to get!

Positive Soul - A podcast by Jacqueline

Have you ever dreamed of a life where you were THAT confident girl … but felt totally clueless about how to make it happen? That girl who was filled with self love and genuine confident? You Are That Girl is a 21 day workbook designed to help you uplevel your confidence, self love and happiness. Featuring 21 daily lessons to improve your confidence, you'll learn how to develop genuine self love + confidence with this step by step guide. Aside from daily lessons, each day in this workbook also includes questions and exercises to help the material sink in. The lessons build upon one another and are designed in a specific order. After the 21 days, you'll feel like a new woman. Benefits to expect: Expect to notice increased confidence and self love for yourself, happiness, a positive sense of being, increased awareness, a strong sense of self and so much more. Get started on your 21 day journey today and join thousands who have done the same. >>Get here: https://amzn.to/2Fw42yA >>Confidence course Reinvention: https://positive-soul.teachable.com/p/reinvention >> FREE training for aspiring entrepreneurs or current entrepreneurs who want to launch and scale an online business to 6 figures. Get instant access: https://positivesoul.lpages.co/freebiztraining/

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