17: You don't need to visualize/meditate/journal 100X a day to manifest...only do what feels GOOD!

Positive Soul - A podcast by Jacqueline

When it comes to the LOA, you'll hear a lot about visualizing, meditating, making a vision board, writing in a journal and so forth. While these are all great TOOLS for getting your energy right, they do not actually make your manifestations happen. Manifestation is not what you are "doing". It's how you are being. The tools are there to help you get to a good feeling place. If you don't feel good doing the, don't do it! Press play to learn about what you should focus your energy on instead + when to drop all the different tools you've been told to do. >>Get my FREE business training, How to launch a 6 figure online business, with no experience necessary, TODAY: https://positivesoul.lpages.co/freebiztraining/ >>Business Bootcamp (group program for launching your online business ): https://positive-soul.teachable.com/p/businessbootcampfall >>Grab Soul Therapy for 10% off: https://amzn.to/2ZwTlmo >>For all goodies, click here: https://linktr.ee/positive___soul

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