28: Let's stop glamorizing chasing goal after goal + aim to ENJOY the journey of our lives

Positive Soul - A podcast by Jacqueline

It seems that we are always chasing one goal after another. In our society today, constantly "hustling" and chasing goals is glamorized, as if that's all there is to life. Life is SO much more than chasing goals. In reality, you will always be after another goal, always. Instead of constantly being after something more, I share with you why it's so important to enjoy the journey. It's all about how you can GROW in the journey + become the best version of yourself, not about the goals. Your goals will never bring you happiness, so press play to learn about how you can improve your quality of life + happiness today, while you still get those goals! National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255 >>Get my FREE business training, How to launch a 6 figure online business, with no experience necessary, TODAY: https://positivesoul.lpages.co/freebiztraining/ >>Business Bootcamp (group program for launching your online business ): https://positive-soul.teachable.com/p/businessbootcampfall >>Grab Soul Therapy for 10% off: https://amzn.to/2ZwTlmo >>For all goodies, click here: https://linktr.ee/positive___soul

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