59: The cost of avoidance, stalling + waiting for the perfect "SIGN"

Positive Soul - A podcast by Jacqueline

Here's the thing beauty, when you're thinking of doing something...but feel scared last minute or think that you need to do it when you're more "ready" or have a "sign", you really ARE ready and are letting your fear talk you out of it. When you feel the calling to do something, you have to do it. It's your next step. When the desire is in your heart, it means that it's the next choice for you. So when the fears come up, understand that they are just that, FEARS. Press play to learn the importance of taking action and how you can get away from the stalling trap. >>Get my FREE business training, How to launch a 6 figure online business, with no experience necessary, TODAY: https://positivesoul.lpages.co/freebiztraining/ >>Business Bootcamp (group program for launching your online business ): https://positive-soul.teachable.com/p/businessbootcampfall >>Grab Soul Therapy for 10% off: https://amzn.to/2ZwTlmo >>For all goodies, click here: https://linktr.ee/positive___soul

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