60: You don't manifest what you want, you manifest what you expect

Positive Soul - A podcast by Jacqueline

If you are looking for some seriously good manifesting advice, listen to this episode! I'm getting real with you about manifesting your desires and why wanting something isn't enough. You have to start EXPECTING that what you want is going to happen for you. Expectation is the key to everything you want. >>Get my FREE business training, How to launch a 6 figure online business, with no experience necessary, TODAY: https://positivesoul.lpages.co/freebiztraining/ >>Business Bootcamp (group program for launching your online business ): https://positive-soul.teachable.com/p/businessbootcampfall >>Grab Soul Therapy for 10% off: https://amzn.to/2ZwTlmo >>For all goodies, click here: https://linktr.ee/positive___soul

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